Investment strategy

Maroc Numeric Fund I” has invested in 17 startups, the majority of which are now leaders in their respective fields.

Maroc Numeric Fund II” aims to pursue this strategy and invest in even more innovative startups with an international reach.

Seed funding

In the early stage, Maroc Numeric Fund invests in startups that already have a product ready for commercialization, and have already had a market validation through first sales.

Ideally, the startup should have received financial support from other programs (such as Innov Idea or Innov Start) or business angels to ensure the promoters’ management capacity during the initial stages of their projects.

The investment ticket for this phase is between 1 and 4 million MAD.

Capital Risque

In the venture capital phase, Maroc Numeric Fund invests in less than 5 years old innovative startups, which have demonstrated significant revenue growth and require a financial contribution to finance their growth in Morocco and internationally.

The investment ticket for this phase is between 4 and 10 million MAD.

Maroc Numeric Fund takes a minority but significant stake in the capital during a first round of financing. It may supplement its investment with a contribution in the shareholders’ current account or in convertible bonds. The fund invests only in companies that have or intend to have the status of S.A. (Société Anonyme) where it participates actively in the company’s boards.

We invest in innovative startups operating in the information and communication technology sector with high growth potential. The project must present a form of innovation in relation to the national industry, but this may also lie in the technology, the business model, the marketing method or the very nature of the use of the product or service.

Maroc Numeric Fund reserves up to a maximum of 20% of its capital for other innovative sectors (e.g. biotechnology, green technologies, etc.).

We exclude from studying projects mainly dedicated to e-commerce, distributors, importers or training and technological consulting firms.

We also exclude the possibility of studying projects in competition with startups in our portfolio.

  • Early stage: investment tickets in this category will range from 1 to 4 million MAD with the possibility of reinvestment in the case of new development projects for companies in line with the announced forecasts.
  • Venture Capital: Investment tickets will range from 4 to 10 million MAD.

Maroc Numeric Fund invests in companies registered in Morocco, or in companies registered abroad, whom one of its founders is a Moroccan citizen.

Maroc Numeric Fund intends to be an investor present and active with the company for at least several years (2 to 7 years).

At the end of this period, the fund sells its stake to one or more third-party investors (industrial, family office, investment funds, founder(s), IPO, etc.).

Beyond these formal criteria, we are looking for high-potential teams with a perfect knowledge of the market in which they intend to operate. Team, competence and motivation are the main factors of success for us. We only finance companies that have a significant barrier to entry (technological or other), and that intend to be leaders in their sector. Finally, and this is very important to us, we invest in projects in which we are fully aligned with the founders-leaders in terms of strategy, vision, and economic objectives.